Long Branch

Video: Long Branch City Council Meeting

Urgency, concern, and immediate action was the clear message during this month’s of Long Branch’s city council meeting.

Long Branch, NJ – Urgency, concern, and immediate action was the clear message during this month’s Long Branch city council meeting. The meeting, which is held every month, twice starting in September, bought out more residents than normally expected.

Long Branch City Council Meeting

Residents from all parts of the town, expressed concern from eminent domain, jobs, the police, revitalizing downtown Long Branch, the “resort” along the beach, to sharing ideas on how we can stop the violence and get back our youth.

Residents concerns

One major concern was jobs not being available to Long Branch residents down at the beach nor when building projects occur.

Mayor Adam Schneider disagreed, stating “there are plenty of Long Branch residents working down at the beach”.

The residents felt that the mayor was not in-tuned with the reality that minorities do not occupy jobs along the beach front. If they do, you can count them on your fingers! The residents were absolutely fed up with the “I don’t care” attitudes of the older council members and urged the new appointed members to look at their concerns and take corrective action accordingly.

The Long Branch city council meetings have been revitalized by the the concerned residents and you will definitely see more to come.

Speak up and Be Heard!

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