Legalizing Gay Marriage : New Jersey Senate Passes Bill
New Jersey lawmakers gave their blessing to legalizing gay marriage for the first time Monday as the state Senate passed a bill that would allow nuptials for same-sex couples.
The Huffington Post reports that New Jersey lawmakers have given their blessing to legalize gay marriage for the first time Monday as the state Senate passed a bill that would allow nuptials for same-sex couples.
The Senate’s 24-16 vote sends the bill to the Assembly, which is expected to pass it on Thursday.
Legalizing gay marriage in New Jersey
In the event that Christie vetoes the state’s ruling, gay rights groups have a judiciary plan of action to move forward.
“If Christie vetoes the measure, the Legislature would have until January 2014 to override it by getting two-thirds of the votes in each chamber. Advocates hope that with nearly two years, they can change enough votes to get the legislation adopted. The other route is through the courts. Five years ago, New Jersey’s state Supreme Court ruled that gay couples should have the same rights as married heterosexual couples. In response, the Legislature created civil unions.”
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