North Jersey

Feds to monitor Newark police department over civil rights violations

After a three-year probe, the feds will monitor the Newark police department over civil rights violations.

Newark police patrol car (Photo By Martin Alonso, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

After a three-year probe, the feds will monitor the Newark police department over civil rights violations.

Newark police department

They will undergo independent investigation monitoring after a federal investigation found what it calls “a pattern of unconstitutional policing.”

The probe found problems with the department’s stop-and-arrest policies, its handling of complaints from residents and its officers’ use of excessive force.

According the, the DOJ has reached an agreement with the city of Newark to allow a federal monitor watch over the work of a police force it found repeatedly violating the constitutional rights of citizens.

Newark will become the first municipal agency in the state’s history to operate under a federal watchdog.

Photo Source : News 12 New Jersey

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