The Patriot’s Pen is an essay contest given by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. This year the students had to write about what American Veterans mean to them.
Every year Asbury Park Middle School students participate in this essay contest.
Their essays are well written and stress the ideas of what American Veterans mean to them.
The following are some of the students’ essays from Mr. Wronko’s social studies class.
Veterans Are Important
In my opinion American veterans are really important. I think they are important because they are the heroes who stand up and protect our country, the United States of America, in a time of need.
They are real life heroes not like Batman or Superman. Without these veterans we would not have our freedom. They are also a major part of our history. To me they are gold.
For instance, the soldiers that volunteered after the tragic events of 9/11 and went after the terrorists showed me that there were people who were willing to defend and protect the citizens of the United States no matter what.
Even to this very day there are still soldiers who are in Afghanistan fighting and defeating the terrorists who were responsible for 9/11.
Because of this I am proud of these soldiers and once they make a safe return to the United States we the people should give them all the support they need since they will be our veterans.
Besides Afghanistan, our country has soldiers right now in 2014 fighting off a new terrorist organization known as ISIS.
That is why when our men and women return from defeating this new organization, we should give them thanks for serving and protecting our country because once again they will be our veterans.
Everyone must remember the amount of time that our soldiers serve overseas protecting our country. They are there fighting off terrorists from months to years.
These soldiers do not see their families or friends until the job is done. Some unfortunately never see their friends or family again.
In addition to our current soldiers fighting overseas, we must never forget all the veterans who served in World War One, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and the War in Iraq.
For instance, the soldiers who defeated Germany in World War One tried their very best to ensure ever lasting peace. In World War II if the United States did not defeat the Nazis and Japanese during World War II none of us would be here today.
The Nazis and the Japanese at that time wanted the majority of all races wiped out. By the time of the Korean War, if the soldiers who fought for the United States did not stop the spread of communism, today we would not have a democracy.
The same thought applies to the Vietnam War. Finally, if the soldiers did not fight off Saddam Hussein, he would have planned his own terrorist attack on the United States. So if you ever run into a veteran from World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and the War in Iraq make sure you say thank you.
The Patriot’s Pen Series
Remember that our veterans were the ones who protected our country.
By Juan Lopez
Our American veterans are great. They make me feel happy because everyone knew when these brave men and women were serving the United States that the country would be well protected. We all should appreciate our veterans because they not only fought for our country but also many have died preserving our freedom.
For example, many soldiers who are now our veterans hunted down and are still at war with the terrorists who were responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11/01.
In addition, Seal Team Six should be thanked for eliminating the master mind behind 9/11, Osama Bin Laden. This took place on May 2, 2011. These members I assume are now considered to be our veterans and should be praised.
People of today will never forget 9/11. However, many minds are at ease thanks to our veterans who killed many terrorists and Osama Bin Laden. For that as well as many others I am great full. Besides hunting down terrorists, other veterans such as those who served in World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and the War in Iraq should also never be forgotten.
Those who are still with us should always be saluted. Those who have fallen so that we have our liberties, should never be forgotten. For instance, I would visit the graves of deceased veterans and put flowers next to their carved names.
One war that I have studied for a long time, World War II, has always interested me because of our brave soldiers who took on an evil leader known as Hitler.
Hitler almost had the opportunity to conquer the world but our brave soldiers from the United States made sure he did not.
Many of these brave soldiers are still with us and I ran into a few of them and saluted them even though I was not alive during that time.
I realized that if Germany won the war, the United States would not be here. These brave soldiers made sure that the country remained safe and intact.
Veterans who live to tell their stories are incredible people because
they have seen war and learned how to survive on the battlefield.
This is all because they believed in preserving our freedom that we have today.
We cannot forget that many soldiers died for us on the battlefield so we can live our lives.
In addition, those soldiers who return from war and become our veterans should always be given thanks and helped out when they need assistance with their lives.
We should appreciate how these brave soldiers risked their lives saving our country. To that I say thank you to our American veterans.
By Omar Oseguera
I am proud of our American veterans. These are people who almost died
or that did die by risking their lives to save millions.
If our veterans did not risk their lives for us we would not be here right now. For example on 9/11/01 something very horrible happened to the Twin Towers in New York.
Two planes crashed into those buildings which caused two major collapses. Over thousands of people were killed. The captains on the planes were killed by the terrorists and everyone on those planes were killed as the terrorists crashed those planes into the World Trade Center.
After this horrific event many people joined the army to hunt down the terrorists and the master mind behind 9/11, Osama Bin Laden.
These people who have returned and are still returning from hunting down these terrorists are our veterans and future veterans.
Because of their efforts, they have made the United States a safe place. Furthermore, our current veterans had ended the life of the master mind behind 9/11.
On May 2, 2011, Bin Laden was discovered in Abbottabad, Pakistan where he was killed. Thanks to our veterans who have returned from that mission, millions of Americans can sleep at night.
Besides hunting down terrorists, we cannot forget our veterans who served in World War II. They are known as the Greatest Generation. Because of this Greatest Generation of veterans, we are all here today.
For instance, World War II began in Europe when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September of 1939. However, in Asia the war began earlier with the Japanese invading China.
During this war many Americans went to fight Germany and Japan. After years of fighting, our veterans were successful in stopping Germany and Japan from taking over the world.
In conclusion, I am proud of our American veterans.
These are people who stepped up to the plate to make sure that everyone would be safe.
From defeating people such as Hitler of Nazi Germany to Bin Laden, the leader of the terrorists responsible for 9/11, our veterans should never be forgotten.
Without these people our country would not be here or be protected.
Every Veterans’ Day the American people should go to every parade and salute the American Flag with their fellow veterans.
In addition, the American people should read poems, stories, and show films all relating to the people who serve our country. I am proud of our American veterans.
By Angel Salmoran
Thank you for reading The Patriot’s Pen series.
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