Central Jersey

The Mane Event: The Boss Hair Boss business event of the summer

It’s the NJ Business event of the summer! Three major industry women will headline the 3rd Annual Mane Event.

Maplewood, NJ- It’s the NJ Business event of the summer! Three major industry women will headline the 3rd Annual Mane Event: “Boss Hair, Boss Business,” on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at the Woodland, 60
Woodland Road, Maplewood, NJ from 2pm-6pm.

Founded by The Supernatural Project, Inc., the event attracts close to 300 women. This year, it will showcase Dawn Fitch, CEO of Pooka, Pure & Simple, who has been featured on the cover of “Black Enterprise” magazine, Natural Hair stylist and author, Tameeka McNeil-Johnson, aka The “Curl Whisperer” and Karen Tappin of Karen’s Body Beautiful, sold in over 500 Target stores. All of these women will take center stage to share their power player moves. Women have already started buying tickets to learn about their strategies, lessons and do’s and don’ts of these “Beauty Bosses” and industry leaders.

The Mane Event: The Boss Hair Boss Business Event of the Summer


“In an entrepreneurial spirit of disseminating information to encourage independence among women and as a testament to the natural hair movement, the Mane Event is growing bigger and better each year.” said Gilda Rogers, a founder of The Supernatural Project.

“Just take a look at these power women. Karen is in over 500 Targets. These are women that the community holds in high esteem,” says Candace Kelley, a founder of The Supernatural Project, Inc. The day includes a focus on natural hair and includes a vendor marketplace and a natural hair challenge where women can get up close and personal with styling their hair.

The Natural Hair community has been bubbling, women are abandoning the ritual of putting chemicals in their hair. According to the Mintel, a consumer spending and market research firm, the number of Black women who say they do not use products to chemically relax or straighten their hair jumped to 36% in 2011, up from 26% in 2010. Meanwhile, sales of relaxer kits dropped by 17% between 2006 and 2011, according to the same report. Workshops and hair demos will take place between 12pm and 3pm. The icing on the day is the panel discussion with leaders in the beauty business, led by Supernatural Project founders and award-winning journalists Candace Kelley and Gilda Rogers.

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