Joetta Clark Diggs, a four time Olympian winner, made a visit to the
Asbury Park Middle School on December 3, 2015. In honor of the Asbury
Park School district’s “Save Our Students” week, Joetta Clark
gave the 7th grade students a special presentation on achieving your
goals in life. She informed the seven graders that we start off as
acorns and through the process of following the five Ps, purpose,
prepare, patient, perturb, and perseverance, we could become a strong
Oak tree. For instance, she stated that define your own purpose in
life and then prepare your best in whatever you want to achieve. Once
you decide what you want to achieve be patient because success would
not come overnight. However, through this process, she informed the
students you would be perturbed because there would always be someone
telling you that you could not achieve this goal. Finally, she
explained that you need to have perseverance in overcoming all the
negatives and turning them into positives. Work hard and let your
positive actions speak for you. Therefore, have achieving the five Ps;
you would become a strong Oak tree.
At the end of the assembly, the APMS honor roll students got to attend
a special session in the fitness room with Joetta Clark Diggs.