
Asbury Park Middle School : Live From Ghana

On January 22, 2016, “Live From Ghana” took place.

On January 22, 2016, “Live From Ghana” took place. The students from Ghana created an incredible news broadcast for the students of APMS. Ghana students based their news broadcast on what was currently going on in Ghana. For instance, they reported on the new Cape Coast Stadium, Cape Coast’s University, and the beaches in Cape Coast. All the segments had a student as a news reporter at each location. After their presentation they answered numerous questions relating to each topic. Here were some of the questions that were asked:

1. What kind of events will the new stadium hold?
2. Since the stadium has a pool will there be swimming events?
3. Does Ghana have athletes involved with swimming?
4. What is on the entrance exam to getting into Cape Coast
5. What is the workload like when studying for a major at Cape Coast
6. Do any of the beaches in Cape Coast face pollution or the threat of
oil spills?
7. What beach resort do you recommend when coming to Cape Coast?

In addition, the students from Ghana informed the APMS students that they would like to study abroad for their potential careers. This session ended with APMS students congratulating the students

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