North Jersey

A Wide Lens On Bloomfield Police : Town’s Police Accused of Racial Profiling

In a new documentary by VICE, Seton Hall Law students produced a documentary detailing the number of time black and Latino’s are stopped by Bloomfield police

A new documentary by VICE, with the help of some Seton Hall Law students, puts a wide lens on a predominately white town that has been accused of racial profiling.

Documentary on Bloomfield police

The mini documentary aims to look at a study conducted by Seton Hall that shows Black and Latino people are stopped by Bloomfield police at an alarming rate. A neighboring town to Newark the study by Seton Hall, has found that in the majority-white municipality of Bloomfield, New Jersey, nearly 80 percent of traffic tickets are issued to African American and Latino drivers.

The report also found that most tickets were issued to non-resident minority drivers passing through town, suggesting a “de facto border patrol” policing policy is in effect.

Bloomfield police has rejected the study’s findings saying it is erroneous.

Most recently, 24-year-old Tevin Bell, has said he has been stopped a plethora of times by Bloomfield Police due to racial profiling and is now seeking records to prove his allegations, New York 4 news reported.

Watch the documentary below:

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