Jersey Voices had the opportunity to visit Montalvo’s Barber shop located at 129 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ.
Montalvo’s Barber shop
Dimas Montalvo Santiago, a native of Puerto Rico, is a long time barber shop owner, community leader and humanitarian who has proudly served the city of Long Branch for over 50 years. As Montalvo puts it,
being a barber was in my blood
He was very proud to say that his father was also a barber. But Montalvo would never have the opportunity to learn from his father because his father passed away when he was only 6 years old.
How he got started
Montalvo remembers his mother asking him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He immediately told his mother that he wanted to be a barber. It was being around his father and the culture of barbering that he knew at the tender age of 13 that he would pursue this profession. While in Puerto Rico, he went to barber school where he picked up the profession pretty quickly.
He said that he felt blessed, it was something that just came naturally to him. He was able to cut hair for 3 years in Puerto before Montalvo’s family moved to the US when he was 16 years old. Once in the US, Fort Monmouth called him at the age of 16 to cut hair on the base. He was living his dream at a very young age.
After working initially for Fort Monmouth, Montalvo opened up his first barbershop in 1964 with 2 chairs, located on 94 South Broadway. By 1969 he was able to move to his current location and has been there serving the community ever since.
Remembering the days at Montalvo’s Barber shop

Mr. Montalvo and Unheard Voices Founder
I can remember as a little boy going to Mr. Montalvo to get my hair cut. When I walked in his shop to interview him, I can feel the family atmosphere and the warmth that still resonates with me from when I was a young kid. Montalvo’s barbershop is filled with pictures showing his personal to professional life over times.
Today, Mr. Montalvo has Woody Arce & Benjamin working with him keeping the culture alive. The two say they enjoy coming to work everyday at Montalvo’s.

Mr. Montalvo holding Sam Mills picture
Mr. Montalvo proudly holds up the picture of the late Sam Mills of Long Branch who went on to play professional football for the New Orleans Saints and the Carolina Panther. He talked about Sam’s generosity and his monetary contributions to various organizations and how he was a great human being. As Mr. Montalvo put it “Sam put Long Branch on the map“!
Mr. Montalvo credits his love and dedication to the craft that allowed him to have the longevity that he’s had in the barbershop. Watch his full interview below: