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Greater Long Branch NAACP educates community on the voting process

On Tuesday May 23rd the Greater Long Branch NAACP held a voter registration education forum at the Adam “Bucky” James Community Center. 

Greater Long Branch NAACP Educates Community On Voting Process

Long Branch, NJ – The Greater Long Branch NAACP held a voter registration education forum on Tuesday August 23 at the Adam “Bucky” James Community Center.

Greater Long Branch Naacp voter registration education forum

The voter registration drive was put together to increase the amount of potential voters in the Monmouth County area before the June 6th election.

The youth in attendance were given a hands-on voting exercise that allowed them to enter the ballot booth and showed them step-by-step on how to select their candidates and to cast their vote.

They also learned they could even vote for themselves or a personal choice.  It was a great learning experience for the youth.

Voter education forum greater long Branch naacp

Kid pointing at ballot at The Greater Long Branch NAACP voter registration education forum


Eileen Keene, who is one of the four commission officers for the Monmouth Board of Election, was on hand to give an overview of the voting process and the function of a commissioner.

As one of the commissioners, Keene oversees the counting of all absentee ballots and makes sure that all staff workers are adequately educated so that they can properly assist the public at the polls.

Keene stressed the importance to vote even if you can not make it out to the polls.  She discussed the mail-in ballot process and how the number of people using this process has increased by over 35,000.

She also addressed questions on the ability of an ex-con to vote.  She pointed them to a law that addresses that issue and took down names of people that needed a more definitive answer.

Election workers are always needed to fill the shortage of personnel working the polls.  She encouraged anyone interested in becoming a poll worker to contact the Monmouth County Board of Elections.  A $200 dollars stipend is paid to workers for the day.

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Keith Covin
Written By

Keith Covin is the founder and vice president of Unheard Voices Networks. Keith founded Unheard Voices Magazine in 2004 and took the magazine online to reach a broader audience to give other people a voice. The cultural media difference today just doesn't allow the current media out there to genuinely give the common everyday people a voice. Unheard Voices is a magazine that gives a sense of unity to all people whether they are black, white, orange, red or green. Everybody deserves a voice! Remember our voice is your voice and your voice is ours! Speak Up and Be Heard! Remember never be scared to voice your opinion!



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