
Ghana Afternoon Session: Talk about everything!

A recent afternoon session was held with Mr. Wronko of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, Mr. Mason and the students in Ghana.

A recent afternoon session was held with Mr. Wronko of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, Mr. Mason from Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, and the students in Ghana. This afternoon session was open for anything to be discussed. For instance, the conversation that took place involved future movies coming out such as Justice League, Thor Ragnarok, and The Last Jedi. In addition, the movies from the past were also discussed such as the Dark Knight and Batman Returns. From there Mr. Wronko, Mr. Mason, and the students in Ghana spoke about food that they liked, hobbies, and exercising. The purpose of the afternoon sessions would be to have students from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School make new friends with the students in Ghana.


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