Avengers Endgame Problem Part Two: Hulk vs Professor Hulk
The title says it all. What were the directors of Endgame thinking? You had the biggest opportunity to have Hulk vs Professor Hulk.
The title says it all. What were the directors of Endgame thinking? You had the biggest opportunity to have Hulk vs Professor Hulk.
When Professor Hulk went back in time. He saw how his double, the Hulk, acting in a destructive manner. Right there and why not? Why did they not have the Hulk of the past see Professor Hulk and have an ultimate showdown? Instead we get Captain America without the helmet vs Captain America with the helmet. That was good. But Hulk vs Professor Hulk would of been incredible.
Think about it. Professor Hulk trying to calm the Hulk down and then the Hulk replying to him, imposter!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the destruction in the city that could of happened while the aliens were attacking back in that time frame.
Another issue I had with Professor Hulk was that it was not clear how Dr. Banner became Professor Hulk. Once again they could of had the doctors in Wakanda help Dr. Banner find a way for him to become Professor Hulk since the Hulk did not want to come out as seen in Infinity Wars.
Wow! What a missed opportunity, Hulk vs Professor Hulk!