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Frank Miller and The Russo Brothers really hate super strong characters!

Frank Miller, the author to the Dark Knight Returns comic book, and the Russo Brothers, directors of Avengers Infinity Wars and Endgame, had a lot in common, they all hated super strong characters. This could be seen by their work.


Frank Miller, the author to the Dark Knight Returns comic book, and the Russo Brothers, directors of Avengers Infinity Wars and Endgame, had a lot in common, they all hated super strong characters. This could be seen by their work.

Frank Miller

For instance, let’s start with Frank Miller. Frank Miller apparently hated Superman. In his series of the Dark Knight Returns, Frank Miller gave Superman a big beating. In the story Superman was hit by a nuclear weapon and then lightning. Then he was almost reduced to being a corpse. However, he was saved by Mother Nature. Wow, the Man of Steel really took a big pounding. If that was not bad enough, Frank Miller then had Superman lose a major fight to Batman. Batman in the end of the fight I believe had the Green Arrow shoot Superman with Kryptonite. That was why Batman had in the end the full advantage. But the overall point of this was the fact Frank Miller apparently hated this super strong character of Superman.

Russo Brothers

Like Frank Miller, the Russo Brothers also hated a super strong character. For example, in Avengers Infinity Wars, the Incredible Hulk was outdone by the villain Thanos. Then from that the Hulk did not show up for the rest of the movie. Apparently they really hated the Incredible Hulk. When I first saw Infinity Wars, I was like ok maybe they wanted Thanos to look super threatening. That was accomplished. Then I was like ok the Hulk would get his revenge on him. Boy was I wrong. The Russo Brothers really deflated this character. By the time of the movie Avengers Endgame, which everyone loved but I have no idea why (read my posts with my problems with Avengers Endgame), the Hulk became Professor Hulk with no real explanation. Then on top of that he did not even fight Thanos. What the Russo Brothers just showed by not making the Incredible Hulk have the ultimate comeback was that they hated the character and felt he was not important, in which in my own opinion was a huge mistake. The Hulk was a beloved character for many years and what they did to this character was horrible.

Strong super characters

In conclusion, super strong characters look out because Frank Miller and the Russo Brothers really hate you.

Avengers Endgame Problem Part One: Where was the vision?

Avengers Endgame Problem Part Two: Hulk vs Professor Hulk

Avengers Endgame Problem Part Three: Hulk vs Thanos/The Curse of Dr. Strange

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David Wronko
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David Wronko is a history teacher at Asbury Park High School sharing with the Jersey Voices community the wonderful stories coming out of Asbury Park. Mr. David Wronko was VFW Teacher of the Year, 2011-2012, Teacher of the Year for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, 2014-2015, MLK Middle School Teacher of the Month for January 2016, and given the recognition award from the Asbury Park Board of Education for volunteering to tutoring students on Saturdays in 2011. Also Mr. David Wronko was published in two issues of NJEA Review Magazine.



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