Unfortunately, due to budget cuts I was laid off. However, I am still on my feet and that was why I called part of this posting the comeback because I am involved in many projects as we speak.
The Comeback
Right now, I would like to focus on a couple of things that transpired before the 2021-2022 school year ended.
- Wilbur V. Martin VFW Post Commander
Memorial Day Back in Person and Mr. David Wronko Recognized by the VFW Post
Due to the pandemic Memorial Day was done virtually in 2021. However, since the world was putting up a better fight against Covid 19, Memorial Day returned live and in person for Mr. Wronko’s students and the students in Ghana. This Memorial Day celebration was celebrated with George Reed and Wilbur V. Martin. Both veterans served in the Vietnam War. After both veterans spoke to Mr. Wronko’s students and the students from the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana, they went to visit Mr. Gould’s Engineering Class and his Tuskegee Airmen project. This marks George Reed’s first visit to Mr. Gould’s class.
Besides Memorial Day returning live, on June 5, 2022, the VFW Post on Route 33 in Neptune named Wilbur V. Martin Post Commander. During that event, Post Commander Wilbur V. Martin recognized Mr. David Wronko for his hard work partnering the VFW Post with Project Ghana. Because of this partnership Mr. Wronko’s students along with the students in Ghana got a strong understanding of history brought to life through the lectures of the VFW veterans.
Cretaceous Warzone COMEBACK!
This past year Mr. Wronko’s students Edgar Escobar, Kevin Ogden, Yermi Cifuentes-Perez, Jaded Velasquez, Ceahni Piper, Sarayia Gadson, and Amy Contreras-Contreras got their artwork published in Prehistoric Times Magazine. Because of their success, this marks a comeback for the Cretaceous Warzone project which began in 2009.
Success with Energizing Young Voters
Patricia Supplee sent Mr. Wronko this email:
Energizing Young Voters just received a national award from the League of Women Voters US for the work we have all done with Energizing Young Voters. I am so, so proud, and so, so grateful for all of you who have contributed your time, talents and treasure to help us grow to the point we are today.
This email showed Mr. Wronko’s and his students dedication of getting involved with Action Civics and Energizing Young Voters and the local League of Women Voters. When Mr. Wronko worked with the League of Women Voters, Patricia Supplee conducted lessons regarding the fight women had to go through to get the right to vote while Mr. Wronko’s students gave Patricia and one of her many guests presentations on their Action Civics Project which involved improving the environment, climate, and community.