Central Jersey

Grunin Foundation is recruiting for Fall 2024 Pragmatic Activism Cohort

Participants  get a look behind the curtain of state/local government from an industry insider (Orville Morales, “the People’s Lobbyist”) to understand how to get the most return on their activism efforts.

Photo by Polina Kovaleva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/handwritten-message-on-brown-background-6185320/

The Grunin Foundation is currently recruiting nonprofit leaders, volunteers,
board members, and passionate community members to participate in the hybrid 2024
Pragmatic Activism Cohort.

About 2024 Pragmatic Activism Cohort

Participants  get a look behind the curtain of state/local government from an industry insider (Orville Morales, “the People’s Lobbyist”) to understand how to get the most return on their activism efforts – a road map for working smarter, not just harder, to impact change. Organizations of all sizes and leaders at all levels are encouraged to apply.

Those who are accepted into and participate fully in the program will receive a $500 Visa Gift Card* or a $500 grant for their organization as an acknowledgement of their commitment.


This is in-person with a hybrid option via Zoom. In-person location to be announced soon
but will be in the Neptune, NJ area. Each session will be from 3pm to 7:30pm and dinner
will be provided. Attendees must commit to all 5 sessions.

Dates are:
Monday, Sept. 9
Monday, Oct. 7
Monday, Oct. 28
Monday, Nov. 18
Monday, Dec. 9

Fall 2024 Pragmatic Activism Cohort hub

Learn all about the cohort.

Applications are open, and we are accepting them on a rolling basis until August 31st.

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