Asbury Park High students were able to show their artistic talents by getting their work published in Prehistoric Times Magazine.
Dr. Clarence B. Jones, friend and personal counsel to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., stops by Mr. Wronko's Ghana session.
Just recently VFW veteran Franklin Hall came to Asbury Park High School to participate in a Ghana session.
Claude A. Jones, Sr. Vice Commander, Harold Daley VFW Post 1333 along with Walter Drummond Senior came to Asbury Park...
During the session with Veronica Miller, Mr. Boateng, gave a presentation about the Influential Women of Ghana.
Veronica served in Desert Storm or Desert Shield and the War in Iraq.
Mr. Roberson gave a full history lesson regarding his career in the military as well as his job as a...
Asbury Park student Jaiden Tyler has made history.
Shane Rimmer was an actor that always would just show up. No matter what I was watching he would appear...