EITC Awareness Day On Jan. 29th
Each year, IRS joins partners nationwide to launch the EITC Awareness Day
Each year, IRS joins partners nationwide to launch the EITC Awareness Day
The township of Neptune will be holding auditions for the 2016 Black History Month event
Levite's Management Group Presents The "1" Worship Set. This event is in support of AIDs of all those who suffer...
Friday August 7, 2015 at the IAMA in Long Branch we invite all to come out to honor the LBHS...
Come out to Music In The Park Fest to hear some great music and to have a relax time with...
On Sunday May 3, 2015 a "Black Lives Matter" rally will be held in Long Branch, NJ to march against...
Pastors, ministers, community leaders/activists and residents will dine with the parents and family members who have lost loved ones in...
Grace Temple International WUSHU KUNG FU DEMO At the Adam Bucky James Community Center in Long Branch NJ.
It was national night out and Red Bank spared no expense to show its citizens that they care.
Thousands from all over the Jersey Shore flocked to Asbury Park, NJ beach to hear President Obama speak on Hurricane...